- Bio 124: Principles in Biology III: Evolution and Ecology
- Covers fundamentals of ecology & evolution
- Taught in flipped class using group activities & discussions
- Taught using case studies centered on the primary literature; case studies focus on human impact on ecology & evolution
- Taught most recently in Fall 2022, syllabus here
- Bio 125: Principles in Biology III: Evolution and Ecology Lab
- Covers fundamentals of ecology & evolution in a lab setting
- Taught using inquiry-based, student-directed labs
- Redesigned with the generous support of the CA Learning Lab
- Taught most recently in Spring 2021, syllabus here
- Bio 340: Genetics
- Covers molecular genetics, inheritance, and evolutionary genetics
- Taught in flipped class using group activities & discussions
- Taught most recently in Spring 2023, syllabus here
- Bio 440: Molecular Genetics
- Covers advanced molecular genetics, particularly genomics
- Taught in a flipped class style with a focus on bioinformatics activities
- Taught most recently in Spring 2021, syllabus here
- Bio 450: Evolution
- Elective course focused on advanced topics in evolution
- Taught as a discussion-based course based on the primary literature
- Course uses “ungrading”, where students and professor collaboratively decide grades
- Taught most recently in Fall 2023, syllabus here
- Bio 490: Senior Project
- Writing-focused class taught using self- and peer-feedback
- Also addresses information literacy, career planning, and scientific ethics through activities and discussion
- Taught most recently in Spring 2024, syllabus here
- Bio 502: Biostatistics
- Graduate-level, workshop-style course taught using R
- Taught most recently in Fall 2021, syllabus here